Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hawaii/ Halloween

Doug had a break at the end of October.  So we took a trip to beautiful Hawaii.  Although we were bummed that Rick and Carol couldn't make the trip, we still managed to have fun.  Luckily we had some friends that were already going to be in Hawaii and they flew in to keep us company.  Thanks Todd and Erin!  We had a ton of fun. So this is basically me dumping all of our pictures with bits and pieces of commentary... enjoy!
A peacock?  Seriously?

Happy Halloweenie Folks!
 Landon's other costume.

 Blue Hawaii/ Tiger's blood  So delicious

 Queen's Bath

 Todd and Erin.  On the boat tour to fern gulley...
 I mean fern grotto


Someone stole Doug's hat... Sad day :(

That's a large bath tub.

1 comment:

  1. Looks so fun! I wish you could have been there with us or us with you! We took Millie to Hawaii when she was a baby and we had a great time. Enjoy while it's just the 3 of you and Landon has you all to himself! We are laughing at the picture below the one of you holding the shaved ice - the one on the right. What is Landon's face doing and where is he coming from? He looks like he is photoshopped on top of your cup. :)
