Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hawaii/ Halloween

Doug had a break at the end of October.  So we took a trip to beautiful Hawaii.  Although we were bummed that Rick and Carol couldn't make the trip, we still managed to have fun.  Luckily we had some friends that were already going to be in Hawaii and they flew in to keep us company.  Thanks Todd and Erin!  We had a ton of fun. So this is basically me dumping all of our pictures with bits and pieces of commentary... enjoy!
A peacock?  Seriously?

Happy Halloweenie Folks!
 Landon's other costume.

 Blue Hawaii/ Tiger's blood  So delicious

 Queen's Bath

 Todd and Erin.  On the boat tour to fern gulley...
 I mean fern grotto


Someone stole Doug's hat... Sad day :(

That's a large bath tub.

Part Two

These are pics from his birthday party.  He wasn't to excited about his cake though.  He barely touched it.....

So Doug and I took the liberty of smearing some of the frosting on him to get a good picture.  I'm satisfied with that.

Some fun facts about Landon at age 1:
Weight: 20 lbs 9 oz. (18 percentile)
Height: 29.5 in (48 percentile)
Head circumference: 18.75 in (83 percentile)

- He looooooves the Backyardigans and Baby Einstein movies.

-He's still not walking or crawling but he's getting closer everyday.

- His favorite part of the day is when Daddy comes home.  Nothing is more exciting.

-He is such a good sleeper.  Usually naps twice a day, but is starting to lean towards just one a day.

-I have a little piggy living with me.  He will eat just about anything but if the texture is wrong he tends to gag and I won't elaborate on what happens next.

- Loves to swing, go on walks, and being outside.

- Loves his blankie.  He sucks on the corners while he sleeps.

- Still has no teeth...

These just scratch the surface of the things that make little Landon the cute boy he is.  I can't believe that he's getting so big, but I couldn't be more happy that he's mine.  We love him so much!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Landon!

Well folks my baby boy isn't a baby anymore.  He turned one on November 3rd.  Here is a little picture run down of his 1st year month by month.  

Happy Birthday Handsome Boy!  We're so glad you came to our family.  We love you!