Sunday, May 6, 2012

More of the Little Guy

Doug's brother Jeff and his wife Jen sent this cute doctor outfit to Landon a while ago.  He finally grew into it.  It's so dang cute.

 Is he being brainwashed by his Dad to love the Jazz??? The answer is.... Absolutely.  

 Landon doesn't believe in sleeping in the correct direction.  I find him like this every morning.  So funny!

 So fresh and so clean, clean

 So sleepy.

Now this is what I call talent.  He prefers his whole fist to a binkie anyday!

 These two pictures were taken before church one Sunday.  I figured there needs to be a picture of Doug and I on here every once in a while. :)

1 comment:

  1. he is so cute i wanna die! love that little man! p.s. you and dug were sorely missed in hawaii!
