Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Random December Things

We got to go and see the Spanish Fork lights with the fam this year.  I was so sad that we missed out last year so going was a must.  Here we are all bundled up and yes I am wearing Landon's spare hat...I have tiny nog syndrome.

He won't sleep without his blankie.  He sure loves it.

Our little Jazz fan :)

Sporting their new Jazz apparel.

When it snows this much....

Ya gotta go hot tubbin...

And possibly build a snowman.  Although I would not recommend this, it was pretty fun.

 Landon sleeping in his carseat.  He's so good!            My favorite tree at my in laws house.

Entertaining himself in the backseat.

 New Year's Eve Shotgun 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas Eve/Day

Remember this gem?  Merry Christmas!

A present for Landon...Even more of a present for Doug.

He loved his presents, and his jammies..Thanks Grandma Carol!

These kiddos had quite the night on Christmas Eve... it included a 10 mile run to get them ready for bed.

Don't mind my voice..I got sick and it disappeared.  He couldn't figure out which toy he wanted most.

Utah,Santa and Clark White Elephants

I'm aware that I am reeeeeeally far behind on blogging. So starting with our drive to Utah... Thank goodness we checked the weather this time and didn't hit any snowstorms.  We made it in the Usual 15 hours and Landon was happy as a clam the whole way.

However, Doug wasn't so happy to see this pulling up behind him.. Luckily no ticket. Just a warning.

This is Landon's second time visiting with Santa..To this date no tears have been shed due to seeing Santa Clause.

And now for the White Elephants.  This has become a new tradition in my family.  These were some of  the favorites that were given this year.
 Gizmo the Gremlin
 Brady chose the smallest present... little did he know that inside was a note that led him outside to the biggest present :)
 Doug scored this nasty hat/scarf combo...the mustache never helps....
 Jude got a sexy outfit.

 Sarah not so happy with her framed pic of Jude's colon..

 Jake with a cheeseburger

 Jenny and her new buns

 Jordan sporting his lovelt Star Trek poster

I got a lovely picture of my brother in law Dave Ludlow and so nasty yams

Ashlee got a book that just might come in handy one day ;)  called The Yeast Connection and the Woman.  It was a great year for white elephants!

Bye Bye Ba Ba

At last we are free from those stupid bottles.  Before we left KC for Christmas I was determined to get Landon drinking from a sippy so that we wouldn't have to take all of our bottles with us to Utah.. It was a success, and I report that L is doing awesome with his sippy :)